Ruth Tarvydas – A Small Dedication to your AMAZING work!

Ruth Tarvydas has left the room – This concludes our small dedication to Ruth Tarvydas who was laid to rest in Perth Yesterday.

To us she symbolised a Captain of Fashion, Leader & Innovator, Motivator & Philanthropist, Genuine Champion of Causes and she will be missed. May she rest in eternal peace and happiness.

#RuthTarvydas, #Tarvydas, #TheShedStudios #TheShedStudiosAustralia BK @ The Shed Studios, Perth Fashion Festival, PFF, RuthTarvydas, Tarvydas, The Shed Studios,

Photography by BK @ The Shed Studios
Photography by BK @ The Shed Studios

Small Dedication to the Late Ruth Tarvydas by BK @ The Shed Studios (Australia |  Bali) – 100% Unedited | 100% Uncropped – More Images @ –